What order should Pokémon cards be in?

What order should Pokémon cards be in?

What Order Should Pokémon Cards Be In?

Pokémon cards have been a beloved collectible for decades, captivating both children and adults alike. With thousands of different cards available, organizing them can be a daunting task. However, having a well-structured and organized collection not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also makes it easier to find and showcase your favorite cards. In this article, we will explore the best order in which to arrange your Pokémon cards, providing valuable insights and tips to help you create a visually appealing and functional collection.

1. Sort by Set

One of the most common and effective ways to organize Pokémon cards is by sorting them according to their respective sets. Each Pokémon card set represents a specific release and typically contains a unique symbol or logo on the card. Sorting by set allows you to group cards that share similar artwork, themes, and gameplay mechanics.

For example, if you have cards from the “Base Set,” “Jungle,” and “Fossil” sets, you can create separate sections for each set. This not only makes it easier to locate specific cards but also provides a sense of completeness to your collection.

2. Arrange by Card Number

Another popular method of organizing Pokémon cards is by arranging them in numerical order based on their card numbers. Each Pokémon card is assigned a unique number within its respective set, allowing for easy identification and categorization.

By sorting your cards in this manner, you can quickly locate a specific card by knowing its number. This method is particularly useful for collectors who are familiar with the card numbering system and want to maintain a systematic approach to their collection.

3. Categorize by Type

Pokémon cards are classified into different types, such as Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Fighting, and more. Categorizing your cards by type can be visually appealing and allows you to appreciate the diversity of Pokémon species.

For instance, you can create separate sections or binders for each type and arrange the cards within those sections alphabetically or by card number. This method not only showcases the variety of Pokémon types but also makes it easier to build decks based on specific types for gameplay purposes.

4. Organize by Rarity

Rarity is an essential aspect of Pokémon cards, as it determines their value and collectability. Sorting your cards by rarity can be an exciting way to showcase your most prized possessions and create a visually striking collection.

There are several rarity levels in Pokémon cards, including Common, Uncommon, Rare, Holo Rare, and Secret Rare. You can organize your cards by rarity by creating separate sections or binders for each level. Within each section, you can further arrange the cards by set or card number to maintain a cohesive structure.

5. Consider Chronological Order

If you are a long-time Pokémon card collector, arranging your cards in chronological order can be a nostalgic and meaningful way to showcase the evolution of the Pokémon franchise over the years.

Start by sorting your cards based on their release date, beginning with the earliest sets and progressing towards the most recent ones. This method allows you to appreciate the changes in card design, artwork, and gameplay mechanics as you move through different generations of Pokémon cards.

6. Utilize Storage Solutions

Regardless of the order in which you choose to arrange your Pokémon cards, investing in proper storage solutions is crucial to maintain their condition and organization. There are various options available, including binders, card sleeves, deck boxes, and storage boxes.

Using binders with clear plastic sleeves allows you to display your cards while keeping them protected from dust and damage. Card sleeves provide an extra layer of protection and can be used in conjunction with binders or storage boxes. Deck boxes are ideal for storing and transporting decks for gameplay purposes, while storage boxes are perfect for bulk storage of cards.


Organizing Pokémon cards can be a fun and rewarding experience for collectors. By sorting your cards by set, card number, type, rarity, or chronological order, you can create a visually appealing and functional collection. Additionally, investing in proper storage solutions ensures the longevity and protection of your cards.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to organizing Pokémon cards. Choose a method that resonates with you and allows you to showcase your collection in a way that brings you joy and satisfaction. Happy organizing!

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