What Is Good Against Psychic Pokemon

What Is Good Against Psychic Pokemon

What Is Good Against Psychic Pokemon

Psychic-type Pokemon are known for their powerful psychic abilities, making them formidable opponents in battles. However, like any other type, they have their weaknesses. In this article, we will explore the various types of Pokemon that are effective against Psychic types, providing valuable insights and strategies for trainers. Whether you’re a seasoned Pokemon trainer or just starting your journey, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different types is crucial for success.

Understanding Psychic Pokemon

Before we delve into the types that are strong against Psychic Pokemon, let’s first understand what makes them unique. Psychic-type Pokemon are known for their psychic abilities, which allow them to manipulate objects with their minds, predict the future, and even control the thoughts of others. They are often associated with intelligence, wisdom, and mysticism.

Psychic-type moves are super effective against Fighting and Poison types, but they are also resistant to Fighting and Psychic moves. This makes them a formidable opponent against certain types, but they also have their own vulnerabilities.

Types That Are Strong Against Psychic Pokemon

1. Dark Type: Dark-type Pokemon are known for their ability to counter Psychic types effectively. This is because Psychic moves are not very effective against Dark types, while Dark-type moves are super effective against Psychic types. For example, a Dark-type move like Crunch can deal significant damage to a Psychic-type Pokemon.

2. Bug Type: Bug-type Pokemon are another great choice when battling Psychic types. Bug-type moves are super effective against Psychic types, making them a strong counter. For instance, a Bug-type move like X-Scissor can deal heavy damage to a Psychic-type Pokemon.

3. Ghost Type: Ghost-type Pokemon are also effective against Psychic types. Psychic moves are not very effective against Ghost types, while Ghost-type moves are super effective against Psychic types. A Ghost-type move like Shadow Ball can be devastating to a Psychic-type Pokemon.

4. Steel Type: Steel-type Pokemon have a natural resistance to Psychic moves, making them a good choice when facing Psychic types. Psychic moves are not very effective against Steel types, while Steel-type moves can deal significant damage to Psychic types. A Steel-type move like Iron Head can be a powerful weapon against Psychic-type Pokemon.

Strategies for Battling Psychic Pokemon

Now that we know which types are strong against Psychic Pokemon, let’s explore some strategies for battling them:

  • Use Pokemon with moves that are super effective against Psychic types, such as Dark, Bug, Ghost, and Steel types.
  • Consider using Pokemon that have a high Special Defense stat, as Psychic-type moves primarily rely on Special Attack.
  • Utilize moves that can lower the opponent’s Special Attack stat, reducing the power of their Psychic-type moves.
  • Take advantage of type matchups and switch to a Pokemon that has a type advantage against Psychic types.
  • Consider using moves that can cause confusion or inflict status conditions, as this can disrupt the opponent’s strategy.


Psychic-type Pokemon may possess powerful psychic abilities, but they are not invincible. By understanding their weaknesses and utilizing the right strategies, trainers can effectively counter Psychic types in battles. Dark, Bug, Ghost, and Steel types are particularly strong against Psychic types, and trainers should consider incorporating them into their teams. Remember to analyze type matchups, utilize moves that lower the opponent’s Special Attack, and take advantage of status conditions to gain the upper hand. With these insights and strategies, trainers can confidently face Psychic-type Pokemon and emerge victorious in their battles.

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